The Sohamm Babajee Missions is a Spiritual Origination committed to awaken the awareness of ‘Self-Realization’ – the discovering of one’s true ‘Self’ to accept life in its totality.
· It is a way of life, wherein people are encouraged to manifest their ‘Inner-Light’ towards enlightenment.
· The Sohamm Babajee Missions is a World Peace Organization dedicated to manifest individual consciousness into global consciousness and individual peace into global peace by discovering the Divine potential within all mankind.
· The Sohamm Babajee Missions is both a Not-For-Profit Organization (NFP) and a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), committed to offer its charitable services to the poorest of the poor, the addicted, the lost, the forgotten and the neglected ones all over the world to live in unity and in harmony.
· The Sohamm Babajee Missions is an International Organization involved in educational and scientific research based upon the philosophy of the Himalayan wisdom integrated with the modern science from the West for a better understanding among all the nations of the world and the exchange of their finest diversities.
· The Sohamm Babajee Missions is a global family devoted to the noble tasks of offering ‘Niscam Seva’ (Self-less service) to the Mother Nature, to the children of the world and to the humanity for a peaceful, plentiful and positive tomorrow……